WordPress Help – Your WP Guy – Video Intro

Your WP GUY Intro Transcription

We suck at making videos we are excellent at WordPress maintenance. By the way I’m using PowerPoint to make this look partially snazzy.

Recently we had a client that had an issue due to their WordPress theme update crashing their site.

How many times does this happen to you?

In this instance we were able to get them back up and running in no time. The next day we had two more clients that had a similar issue due to some overnight updates. The client was unaware of the issue so we fixed it and then let them know what had happened. You take a look here on the screen that’s the actual ticket that I opened for one of the clients. So you could see what their response was, I thought it was funny because they didn’t even realize that ticket had been opened.

We offer a proactive, in most cases, WordPress maintenance solution. I say in most cases simply because there’s that small percentage where it’s not that case. Just like we had a few nights ago we had an issue where a client notified us instead of us notifying them. Then the next day we turn it around, we had two clients that we notified they had no idea that they were even having an issue.

So if keeping your site up and running with little to no issues is something that’s important to you. Then we want to help take care of you and your WordPress websites but you don’t have to take our word for it.

Here’s what a couple of our clients are saying:

Jonathan Wofford is my go-to source for all my website clients. His expertise in website security and vulnerabilities avoidance is more than one can ask for. I trust him and his team of experts with not only my clients but my own website needs  – Martina Young

Another one of our clients:

For the life of me I could not figure out how to change the content on the front page of my WordPress site. Which I had long ago paid someone to set up. I asked many web savvy people who also couldn’t help me. Jonathan my WordPress guy figured it out pretty quickly and efficiently save me a ton of money and time. – Lori D

That issue was caused by an outdated theme that really needed to be updated. That we ultimately updated for Lori and got her back up and running so that she could keep her business running.

This last one so we don’t sound too braggy:

Jonathan my WordPress guy is without a doubt the guy I’d go to with a tough WordPress problem. I’ve been using WordPress for years but this guy really knows his stuff. For example page load time is a major factor in SEO, he can solve those problems better than anyone else I know of. He gets things done fast and on top of that he’s a great guy. –  David W

SEO guys love us especially if they’re used to dealing with web design firms that don’t really handle anything on the technical side. So we handle a lot of the technical things for SEO guys which is important because we work on that speed and security aspect, that Google is looking for.

Let us help take care of your WordPress maintenance needs. See this lady here that’s how relieved and excited you will be with the peace of mind and the ease-of-use that we bring to WordPress maintenance.

Thanks for taking the time to watch this and we’d love to help you. I’m Jonathan Wofford I am your WordPress guy and feel free to reach out there’s anything that we can help you with.

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