Technical info

What is a DDoS Attack?

By Your WP Guy / Jun 13, 2023

Today, we’ll be talking about the scariest acronym of them all: DDoS. So, what is a DDoS attack? DDoS (or Distributed Denial of Service) basically means that a bunch of computers team up to take down a website or a server. Kind of like a cyber-bullying gang. I can hear you wondering “But why would…

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What is the WordPress Core?

By Your WP Guy / May 23, 2023

Never skip core day! Wait a second-hop out of that plank. We’re talking, of course, about WordPress Core. WordPress Core is the foundation of WordPress, providing the basic features and functions that makeup, well, the core of WordPress! It includes features such as user registration, post types, media handling, catalogs, custom fields, and more. Every…

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What Are WordPress Widgets?

By Your WordPress Guy / Mar 21, 2023

You can create almost any web design element with WordPress widgets and plugins. From custom contact forms to virtual tours, the possibilities are endless. WordPress Widgets are the wing-men of your website. They help visitors to your website find the content they need and promote your products and services. Without them, your website might be…

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What Is a Bot and Why Do They Matter?

By Your WordPress Guy / Feb 21, 2023

Fun fact alert! Do you know how you thought bots were some newfangled, futuristic invention? Well, think again! Bots have been around since the days of bell bottoms and flower power. Yes, you heard me right, 1964, to be exact. That’s when an MIT professor named Joseph Weizenbaum decided to build a little chat bot…

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What is Caching and How Does It Work?

By Your WordPress Guy / Dec 13, 2022

Before data caching, the world of technology relied heavily on mainframe computers to store large amounts of data. This was a very slow and expensive process. With the advent of personal computers and laptops, caching has become an important way to speed up the process of storing and retrieving data. Have you ever wondered what…

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Best Company To Register Your Domain Name With

By Your WordPress Guy / Jul 21, 2022

The first step towards getting your website up and running is choosing the right domain name registrar. This is who will most likely become your web hosting partner as well. This sounds dramatic but…how will I know if they’re the one? Well, the right registrar should have additional features apart from low prices that will…

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What Is a DNS Server, Why Is It Important, and How Does It Work?

By Your WordPress Guy / Jun 21, 2022

We’ve discussed DNS (domain name system) servers in previous articles (also known as a name server).  As a refresher, we know it has a database of hostnames that link specific public IP addresses. It has special software and communication protocols, and even translates (or resolves) hostnames to IP addresses. One question you might still have…

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What is DNS? What does it do?

By Your WordPress Guy / Jun 15, 2022

According to, there were approximately 341.7 million registered domains as of Q4 of 2021 and 1,591 domain root types (.com, .net, .org, etc.). WOWZA.  While not every registered domain has an associated website, most do. With each site having one to several thousand pages, how does a phone or computer find the correct page…

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