What is DNS Propagation and Why is it Important?
As a small business owner, you might be wondering what this DNS propagation thing is all about. You have heard the overly technical people talking about it or you may just be blissfully unaware that it even exists. DNS propagation refers to the time it takes for changes to your website’s DNS records to spread…
Read MoreWhat is a Subdomain?
According to Google, its search index contains hundreds of billions of web pages. Did you say Billions? *Lifts Evil pinky finger to mouth* While this number is undoubtedly overwhelming, your website only needs to compete with a small fraction of these web pages for a spot in Google’s top 10 search results for a keyword.…
Read MoreWhy Do We Need DNS Servers?
When you type a domain name (e.g., www.microsoft.com) into the address bar on a browser, such as Firefox or Edge, it finds the website by communicating with a specific type of server known as a domain name system (DNS) server. The browser sends out a DNS query a DNS server answers it. ORDER UP! Wait,…
Read MoreWhat is an Alias Domain or Domain Alias?
We’ve all done it – logged onto our computer to visit a website that we were so sure we knew the URL of. We confidently typed idefinitelyknowmystuff.com into the URL bar, only to find the “site can’t be reached.” The site we were so sure of was actually idefinitelyDONTknowmystuff.com. Face Palm. Or, perhaps we’ve typed…
Read MoreHow to Quickly Find Your Domain Registrar
Most people who create blogs or websites choose to register a domain name. A domain registrar is responsible for selling and managing domain name registrations. Since the process of registering your domain name is typically completed early in the process of starting your site, it’s easy to forget your domain registrar. Fortunately, there are a…
Read MoreWhat Is a DNS Server, Why Is It Important, and How Does It Work?
We’ve discussed DNS (domain name system) servers in previous articles (also known as a name server). As a refresher, we know it has a database of hostnames that link specific public IP addresses. It has special software and communication protocols, and even translates (or resolves) hostnames to IP addresses. One question you might still have…
Read MoreWhat is DNS? What does it do?
According to siteefy.com, there were approximately 341.7 million registered domains as of Q4 of 2021 and 1,591 domain root types (.com, .net, .org, etc.). WOWZA. While not every registered domain has an associated website, most do. With each site having one to several thousand pages, how does a phone or computer find the correct page…
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